Monday Words: You Can Do Anything But…

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Monday Words: You Can Anything, but you cannot do everything. More on The Fresh Exchange.

We have a saying around here that is pretty simple, “You can do anything, but you cannot do everything.” It has been a lesson Mike and I have had to learn first hand in our lives. We spent time trying to do it all and having it all. Around the time I got pregnant with Hayes, we started realizing how having a child in our lives was going to change that chase. We knew things would need to shift in our brains in order to make room for him in our lives. That was when we made the shift and started asking ourselves what is it that we wanted most? What is it that was going to bring us contentment and the greatest joy? What did we really want? What a gift to ask that question of yourself isn’t it? We all have that opportunity and I think it is easy to forget.

Realizing that we could do anything, just not everything was one of the most freeing things in my life. It was what drove our move, made us decide to build our home, and is the filter of everything we do in our lives now. It is the better, not more idea in life and may possibly be one of the greatest ways to feel free in life.

Since then, this motto has stuck around in our house. It is a motto that has brought us the clearest idea of the life we want for our family, ourselves, and made us define goals in ways we had never before. It is amazing how just a simple reframing in life can make it all so clear.

Do you have a motto that you say to yourself? I would love to hear!!

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